Life at Aenon so far...
2 jan -4th jan getting used to the timetable
5 jan - really inspiring sundown worship about Christ VERY SOON coming.
First Sabbath - Malacca church
*Malacca church is really cosy consisting of like 70 percent aenon people!
Sundown was by the beach with the wind in your hair and sun setting on your left. Absolutely FABULOUS.
Special Prayer meeting for Senior aenon student (we prayed for 0.5 hours. when i smsed my dad aboout it, he thought i meant 5 HOURS~!)
7 Jan - Morning duty then stardeed for SAT then JUSCO here i come!
(I had like 10 daily items i needed to buy eg.detergent etc. THANK GOD linus was there and he help to go hunt for my items!!! WE ONLY HAD 45 MINS!)
k i'll just write more interesting things i did k
tues 9 jan - we dug earth for planting
( i never realised that the earth had so MANY EARTHWORMS-such interesting creatures realli- and we chanced upon TWO CENTIPEDES the poisonous ones. AND Jia Yi hacked them to death with a spade. *faints*)
Friday 12 JAn - The First time i witness Eutrophication
( We were sent to clear the stagnent drain surrounding Aenon. The drain had algae densely covering it. There were leeches and tadpoles and ants, but i was prepared dressed in my farming clothes and boots, i had immunity! =P it was so fun! I felt so achieved when i could understand the apply what i learnt in Chemistry about water and eutrophication! =P we also chatted alot - 3 girls, 2 STRONG boys and Teacher cannie. I found out that one of the Boys lived in SABAH and HAD A REALLY BEEYOOTEEFOO PLANTATION of durians, rambutans, lookoo, mangosteen and etc. I was thinking that i can go to his house to visit when i go backpacking around ASIA wif Sheena and others that wanna go too. k sheena~! got plan alreadi!)
Saturday 13 Jan
Performed "in God's love" song in church with all other junior students.
(this is Samuel's fave song which he calls "thank you Jesus" )
Had Choir practice in the Aenon Choir. Those going to AYC(agape youth Camp) will hear us!
Sun 14 JAn (TODAY)
Prepared breakfast with Jia Yi and Linus and others.
Stardeed in the morning
Lunch and ironed clothes
Kindda slacked till now.
K! it's bed time! i'm looking forward to the coming week~!
i'll be back in singapore on 25th leaving Aenon at 2 so see you guys then~!
Love you all my fans!!
Take care!
1 comment:
Hi Karen!enjoying yourself!(: [dominic][brsda]
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